I know this isn't exactly speaker related but in a way it is.
A friend of mine let me borrow a CD he had of "Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon" It is a remix done in 5.1 DTS. I really liked it but then I got to the last track "Us and them" When the Saxaphone came in it seriously startled me. I was relaxing with my eyes closed and I swear there was someone right in front of me playing.
I only have 1 2pi studio built at the moment and its my center channel and that is where the sax is on the recording. I have never and I do mean never heard anything so beautifully realistic in my life come from a speaker. I now am breaking piggy banks and looking for cans and bottles on the street to come up with the money to buy my other Pi speaker kits.
Do you have any favorite recordings that just blow you away? If so can you be fairly specific so I can try to find them? I love all music save for country and western. I have been on a big Classical music kick lately but haven't found any recordings that have blown me away like this. I would love to hear all of this forums favorite recordings.
Wayne, Thank you so much for offering such amazing speaker kits.