My kittens keep nibbling through my speaker wires. They don't go for the bigger power cords, but they seem to love those thin, dangling wires to my speakers. Even when I strap them, they play with the strapped bundles. Any thoughts?
Give them an alternative wire to play with and make sure that the wires for your speakers are not reachable by the kittens. I wonder why your kittens play with your speaker wires.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
My first thought is I'm glad the kitten hasn't gotten through the power cords. My second thought is you'll probably need to get sleeves or bigger speaker wires with thicker insulation.
Adveser Messages: 434 Registered: July 2009 Location: USA
Illuminati (1st Degree)
I have a couple kittens. Thicker wire, maybe 16 gauge, is enough to keep them from getting to it. They just can't chew through it at that thickness. My cats love the very tiny wiring on my headphones They haven't damaged them yet, but it's a pain in the ass. Forcing a cat to walk on Aluminum foil to get to an area will dissuade them from going there. That is probably too much of an eyesore though.
Scots Rich Messages: 15 Registered: November 2010 Location: Edinburgh
Ha ha ha ! - I love the idea of forcing a cat to walk on aluminium foil ! But, to the original question I would say provide your kittens with some other stimulation (one of those kitten gyms for example) and rub it liberally with cat nip to attract them.
I'm not sure if this works on kittens as well as puppies, but I trained my pup not to chew on wires by rubbing a product called "Bitter Apple" on the wires. It's sold in pet stores.