Okay everyone, Iron Man 2 comes out May 7. Let's get some reviews going here and let everyone know what you think. I'm excited to see it but will wait for the lines to die down.
Well, I just got word my nephew is going to the midnight showing at our local theater. I'm sure I'll hear back from him because he is a HUGE superhero movie fan.
The one thing that I really like in the first movie was that toward the end, it opened the door for more comic book characters to come out. I think I may wait another week before I head out to see the movie.
A top notch movie for those of us who love the old superheros. I guess I've never grown up because I really, really loved it. I am going to get both movies to keep because I can watch these over and over.
I thought that this was a really nice movie. Usually a sequel of a good movie does not match up as people have higher expectations but this one was totally worth every penny!
Wayne Parham Messages: 18845 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
I never got around to seeing this movie in the theater, so I just bought the BluRay and watched it last night. I loved it! Not only were the action scenes cool, but it has Scarlett Johansson in it too!