I saw that in there, but thought it was a little unclear. Because I know 10k is audible. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
Next question relates to pairing the drivers. The tweeters are 92db. The woofers are at 88db. My hope is to have the tweeter line close in length to the woofers. I am afraid that they will be too loud compared to the woofers.
It looks like 12 woofers power tapered in 2,4,6 orientation is most appealing, resulting in 8.7 ohms. Would that give me an efficiency of around 98db?
If I had 32 tweeters, is there in optimal arrangement that would result in an appropriate efficiency?
Can I have different impedances for the tweeters and woofers? Does that impact the design of the crossovers? I was hoping the use parts express's 2way 3k 8ohm crossover. or will I have to build my own...
Well, thank you for your time. As you can tell I'm new to the game, but I want to learn. Any advice is much appreciated.