We may be able to take advantage of pooling our purchase, even if there's not many others interested (even if only we two). I am interested in the OPA404, OPA627 and the LM3875 and/or LM3886 chips. I am going to buy at least a dozen of each of the Burr Brown op-amps, so you you want some of those, you can get a quantity discount no matter what. On the others - the LM3875 and 3886 - if we each bought 13, we would qualify for a price break. If others decided to join in before we actually place the order, maybe we could get an even better price. Here are the quantity price break points for those four parts at Digi-Key:
Part qty unit cost
OPA404KP-ND 1 12.58
25 11.3252
100 10.0415
250 9.62624
OPA627AU-ND 1 19.88
25 18.55
100 17.225
250 16.89376
LM3875TF-ND 1 6.36
25 5.03
100 4.0299
250 3.84812
LM3886TF-ND 1 7.14
25 5.644
100 4.522
250 4.318