The Stupor Bowl; one 75 yrd run and a lot of little screen passes. I am reading 1984 because my son is assigned it for English Class. It describes the Bush administration and Republican tactics to a tee. First; manufacture an enemy with a face but no body like Osama; then put his evil picture up in every newspaper and TV. He is never captured but always close to our troops. Then change the words used to describe actions; like "Coalition" for the U.S. army and "Terrorism" for the excuse to "Liberate" Iraq. You get the picture. Then use the endless "War" to justify eliminating monies for helping Americans, like Tuition for College and Medicare for the elderly and sick; Free milk for inner-city children before school. Call any kind of benefit the people work for an "Entitlement" while the Rich and Wealthy get "Subsidies". This is no news; people of intelligence have understood this kind of manipulation since Epictecus 2500 yrs ago.