There you go again, accusing the other guy of just exactly what you're doing yourself. Don't go away mad, just go away...or if you wish to stay around, contribute something useful. I'll be the first person calling for your re-admittance to GB should you decide to behave yourself.
I am not going to cease tearing down and modifying OPTx's. I will continue to note their origin, when speaking of them. I am *NOT* going to sell them, and am not in the Iron business. If somebody else wants to do the same thing I have done, why should I stand in their way? or require them to destroy another original? Or send them to you, so you can make up some bullshit answer about why you can't do what they want? How helpful is that? or for that matter, productive for you?
If you have a problem with my speaking highly of the winder who is serving me well, I suggest you learn to live with it. If you were serious, you'd pursue the people who are shilling your product all over the other forums.
In truth, you're just out to attack me, and that's actually just fine. You look like a bigger fool than before you began. And it's not the first time you've done it. Maybe you'll learn something this time.