Manualblock,You are correct as the other post states. But the failure was "MORE" at the state and local level to act than it was at the federal level. The Governor bears the ultimate responsiblility to take point in any kind of relief effort. She bears the bilk of the responsibility here. The gaurd works for her, noy Bush. Only if he had federalized the gaurd troops, could he have taken control, and no Governor will take kindly to that action. George could have, and should have, acted earlier, but he was trying to give the governor the chance to get it right. All the while people died.
Don't get me wrong here. The President should have stepped in 24-48 hrs. earlier. It was plain to see Governor Blanco was in over her head by Tuesday morning. But to do so would have required Bush to step on a lot of toes, that simply refused to be stepped on .