Does anyone have the right to prevent the use of embryonic stem cells to create new weapons to fight horrific disease and genetic problems based upon their view of the world as told to them by some social group?
Well; if bush vetos the stem cell research appropriations and use bill then it would be considered a legal issue I guess. Morally you have no right to consign the sick and dying to further misery if there is any chance you can alleviate that suffering through research. If a promising new therapy for the treatment of Parkinsons Disease that afflicts thousands and kills many is possible; then you have a moral obligation to persue that.
Last time I read about that they never produced anything of value in the medical field. Now on the other hand; embryonic stem cells have already proven to be fertile ground for several promising therapuetic treatment modalities including a stage 3 trial treatment for Parkinsons. Since my dad is dying of that disease I take a particular interest in it. If a disposed embryo could provide possible clues to solving the existing method of delivery of cells to the brain I would find and deliver plenty of them. Rather than watch them uselessly wasted as they are now.