And yes it is a misleading chart, I think purposely so. I found the one you show also, and posted the other, just to be contrarian. But useful data can be found in each. If you look at the slope of the chart in yours, the massive changes in slope all come under republican presidents. Been too long since I had statistics to talk about the real interpolative points (rho, sdeviations and such).Even LBJ's great society reforms don't show the kind of swings we see in other terms. But ultimately, it appears we agree, even if we disagree on the path to correction.
"I believe it will as the economy picks up again"
Until the coporate monopolistic control of our economy is cracked, nothing will change. Even if the economy upticks signficantly, the effects won't be felt at the avg middle class level. Wall street has to look beyond next quarter, immediate shareholder profits, and stock prices. The freewheeling days of the 90's set a tone where the manipulation of money became more important than the production of product and services. No capital investment or messy workers, just shuffle numbers in a database. You don't even need paper.
And the only vehicle to make that happen is government. Not going to happen.
I sincerely hope that 20yrs from now we'll look back and say GW was a visionary. But I'm afraid he'll be relegated to the bin along with Jimmy Carter.