On a flyer (and just because it was new) I checked out a
film at the local library called "Eternal Sunshine Of The
Spotless Mind." The IMDb gave this 9 out of 10 stars and I usually trust
the judgement of IMDb ratings and have read IMDb for
many years.
But the big clue that this would be a dog is the
fact that it was written by Philip Kaufman whose previous
works such as "Adaptation" with Nicholas Cage I turned off
after 10 minutes.
Kaufman hasn't learned much since the last film and
those who finace these pictures haven't learned much either
because it suffers from the same glaring problem and that
is that both pictures are entirely self-referential.
No matter what character is speaker, you know it's
the screenwriter.
Well, that's enough of me being speechless. I
haven't hated one author so much since Woody Allen,
which is on-going I might add.