"Can you hear me now?"GrrzhzhShhhhzhh
"No, how 'bout now?"
That's how the commercial should play, at least if you're listening to the radio instead of your Verizon cell phone.
The FCC has approved BPL, so my guess is that shortwave radio reception is going to get worse as time goes on. I'm sure the large telecom companies are elated, but then again, look at what Woldcom's best thinking got it.
Here's my new "favorite":
In my opinion, the FCC sold out on that deal. On the upside, maybe in 5 years internet lines will be great. Maybe there will not be any need for telephones or cable TV 'cause it will all come through BPL. After all, a single point information interface would be great. Maybe this is it, and it will be low cost and at terrabit speed. You think?..