1. Place a RC damper for the woofer (between W+ and W-).
R= 7.6ohm (you can use 2 of those 15 ohm in parallel, or one 8 ohm, like the yellow ones you have)
C= 40uF (in series with R=7.6), you can use 33uF CAP and up close to 40/44uF (2x22uF in parallel).2. Disconect (take out) the power resistor (15ohm) you have for the tweeter/to ground (between T+ and T-), (the 15 ohm one that is in parallel with cap / leave)
3. Use a lamp of at least 7/8 ohm, you can use two lamps in series to duplicate the effect of a resistor, if you use the lamp that Wayne said. Measure the lamp with Meter to have as many lamps to make 7/8 ohm.
The speaker at crossover point (-3dBs - 1600/1700 Hz) gives about 92dBs sharp, side of woofer and on the side of HF driver.
I think that's about it.
Best Regards