Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
There are plenty of tube amps at various price points that sound great with Theater four π loudspeakers. As for kits, you might look at those from DIYHifiSupply, Welborne, Bottlehead, Transcendent, Audio Note and Heart/Stoetkit. I particularly like the Stoetkit Jr. for a low-cost kit. It's a 9 watt ultra-linear amp that looks and sounds great.
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
It is a fine combination. I used the Paramours for a while, and found them to be fairly insensitive to load impedance, which is something that tends to be a problem with many SET amps. The parafeed output seems to swamp back-EMF effects from the woofer. Because of this, even speakers with fairly high impedance peaks sound good, and don't have corresponding response dips.