Humm.... I've got 16 in series, 8 in parallel. That sounds
like extra padding. I can't see the cap value 'cause of the
tape holding it to the brace. I checked the wiring and it measures
as expected, so that doesn't seem to be it. I'll try the o'scope
next to see what voltage the lights come on. Maybe I was just
crankin'...As for the R values, don't these make the impeadance around the
X-over freq about 24 ohms and decreasing to 4 (in my case) as
freq. rises? What I'm worried about is that the X-over is
spec'ed at 1.6KHz at 8 ohms. Does the higher impedance at
the lower end skew the actual x-over freq? Seems like it would.
Overall sound is still impressive.
Didn't try any other
CD's, but hooked up the Korg organ. Sounds really nice.
Thx, Chris