Ron, Pete and FNG Greg came over my place today for the debut of the long-suffering Altec Great Plains 704 co-ax project.It's more than 2 years since Spkrman commanded, "build me an 8 cu ft box with a 3/4" x 10" x something slot and back mount the drivers!"
They're still not done cosmetically, calamity piled up on top of disaster with these things but at least they could finally be heard.
Gonna need a lot of break-in but sound promising. They really like the 50 watts per side Melody amp. Brothers In Arms was really cooking at 100dB.
Pete, thanks for the lighter but I don't smoke Winstons. Special thanks for the albums.
Greg, you left the pix of your magnificent open baffles.
And Ron, thanks for getting throughn the crossover hook-up, tedious and frustrating as it was, without showing us your ass.
Well, almost.....
Greg, Pete, Ron L-R