Here's the deal. I had to move my Klipsch Heresy's into the bedroom where the rest of my decent audio gear is, including my Pi's and 12B4 amp, due to the fact that when we got our TV back from the shop after 4 1/2 months the Heresys can't be within 5 feet of the TV without fricking it up and this pretty much eliminates their use in the living room. I had my old Polk Monitors sitting right up against my audio rack in the bedroom so the Pi's could be spread out to the corners of the room. If any of you remember my speaker placement question a while back you'd see why. There are two corners, then an opening on each side to enter respective vanity areas, then a wall in the middle. Basically a short wall with two doorways near each end.
The Polks have been restored to the living room due to their causing less screwage with the TV (one little 6.5" driver as compared to the Heresy).
If I put the Heresy where the Polk's were, next to the rack, the woofer is even vertically with the 12B4 and about 6" away on each side of the amp.
And finally, for one of the dumbest questions of the month: can the magnetic field off these big woofs cause any issues with the amp and it's operation/longevity when sitting this close?
I want to leave the speakers in there because I hook my SS gear up to them. This lets the wife listen to music once in a while as she's not gonna touch the tube stuff. I don't have anywhere else for them to go except the garage = not an option. I can't move them out and leave them there as then they're sitting in the entryways. But if it's not an issue then I'm obeekaybee.