Thanks to all for the posts. I don't want a sub, so it seems like the 825 cab will not get the job done for bass down to 40hz or so. does everyone agree about that?The T/S params for the 416b are xmax=.15 Vd=19.20 Fs=25.1 Vas=26.47
Qts=.32 Qms=7.05 Qes=.33 Vid=.2
for the 515b its xmax=.18 Vd=23 Fs=24.7 Vas=19.7
Qts=.17 Qms=7.5 Qes=.17 Vid=.22
I was thinking of an 802/511 combo for the HF. despite some "alweako" cracks, to me a paper cone and alnico magnet combo sounds awesome. does anyone have alternative suggestions for horns/drivers?
On the crossover, I thought bi-amping necessarily meant an active x-over before the amps. Is this not actually true? As you can tell, I know little audio theory. the dyna monos put out around 35-40 watts the hf amp will be 2-3 watts.
thanks again, EZ