I have to ask am I confused about what constitutes good manners on forums? How should people follow posts; should they scramble to get their post in above everyone else; or should they post in order out of respect? I am not sure how this should go; maybe I labor under a misapprehension about good behaviour and should wait for all the replies then post over everyone? Am I an old fuddy-duddy? I'm so confused. Maybe because threads dissolve into totally different topics so the person's who wish to address the original topic need to post directly underneath that first post? Try reading through a long thread with all the people jumping over eachother; it loses it's point real fast right? So is it a point of ettiquette to post with respect for the original post? Maybe I am wrong so I ask. Or maybe people are just being ornery.
First off, I am guilty of thread jacking. Sometimes, I just do not think of the ettiquette involved. I have an opinion, and I seem to think it is important, regardless. Sometimes I can be selfish like that. But, to answer your question. I feel that all replies should be directly related to the subject at hand. They all should be linked to the original poster quiry or subject. And if someone wants to drift slightly off base from the original discusion, but related in some way. They should rename the title of their post with some type of link relating to the original subject. This should keep the confusion down somewhat. The proper ettiquette is, always think of the other guy before yourself and your opinion. Norris
Thanks Norris; that makes sense to me. I just figure either people are going to respect each others posting or you have anarchy. I hate to do it but it is done so often that you almost don't have any choice.
I have a hard time figuring it out myself. I try and add a post in order unless it has drifted from what the original poster was talking about. In that case I go to the top and post. Like you I get confused and don't want to hurt anybodies feeling over a post. Most of the posts on this board are over my head.
Since I don't have much to add technically I usually stick to areas I think I know a little about. Unless someone is just asking for an opinion. Those I have However, informed opinions I run short of.