The sockets and a few other bits are mounted, two sets of filament wiring, 12V for the driver. The drivers are wired up. Normally I build the power supply first but once I mount the power transformer things will start to get heavy…John
Yes Sorry John. I have a pair of them and Broskie lists them as possible 9 pin driver tubes. Can I ask you; the Aikido; you use the two octals as imput tubes and two as driver tubes for the 6A5's. Can you say a little about how you wire the transformer splitter into that circuit? Thanks Much.
Hi M, I think the operative word here is possible. You can use a pentode as the first tube. If you’re set on it but I might start with something like a 12by7 or ecc88(or is it 86?) or 6sj7 in octal. In any case none will work in your board, at least without a bit of redesign. What triodes do you have on hand?
As to the second part. I will post a schematic soon, easier than trying to write about it…John