No. The wife has been so auction/Craigslist crazed the past few months. We're about 10 projects behind in refinishing. Our garage is so full of crap (I mean fine antiques) that we can't even move to start the next.The next project on the list is a 1915ish Edison record player. The wife picked two up for $20. The cabinet of the first one is completely trashed (water damage) but the player works fine. The second has no guts but the cabinet is pristine. Looks like an easy swap. She also picked up a stack of 30 or so records (1/4" thick) for $2.
After that it's a Hoosier cabinet, then a walnut dining room table, then a church pew, then a library table, then.........
So, until some of these honey-do's get sone, I can't even see the saw