You bet! I use Altec stuff. I have six A-7 complete systems and parts for a few more. I am trying to add two more complete A-7's so I can use quad A-7' in my annual organ concerts to our northen MN lake. Trouble is they are heavy and costly to ship. I once drove to western SD to meet a guy who sold me 3 or 4 at a good price (plus a case of MN beer).I have used a single pair for outdoor PA for opera to Country and Western - also indoor. Quality was much better than NYC show business (which isn't saying much actually). Altec is a union of Western Electric (Bell Labs) and Jim Lansing. Between them they not only invented but monopolized the Movie market from the beginning. The monopoly was because their stuff was so good. Genius and precision manufacturing. Only RCA, which shared a basic patent, was in the race at all, as far as I know. Remember, though, original SMPTE standards required flat bass only down to 50 hz. -Dick