Let me try to throw in a little economics and then see what falls out. The Carvin dual 18 inch subs go for $550 and have a sensitivity of 102 dBM and a front face of 23.5" X 40". Four of these would cost $2200 have a sensitivity of 114 dBM and a face area when stacked of about 26 square feet (most of it cone or vent). Now, for the same price, about, we could take one 12pi horn with a mouth area of about 8 sq ft (?) . Sounds like there shouldd be more pattern control in the Carvins. I am an old converted horn man, building my first back around 1950. I love horns, I like their (pardon the expression) "sound". And I like their distortion lowering effect on the usual drivers. But... at my age economics has to count as well...doesn't it?