mmmmhhh...But, probably we must first finish those Merlin/PP 2A3/SE 300B projects...
yes, I think that would be best. Let's see what is in my future. My free time may evaporate like a Saturday morning dream. While I would like to finish my wife's 2A3 project with her, doing it in parallel with the 4E27 would be sweet.
now I have two very similar power transformers. One 580-0-580 at 420 mA, the other 575-0-575 at 500 mA. Open circuit is less than 5V apart. One is a CG-301, the other an S-44. Must fine a mate for one of them...and I'll be off to the races with the cloned 10k a-a Peerless S265Q outputs. 5k is such a sweet loadline for that valve done 20-30% U-L.
500V/110 mA idle for each of those Tantalum-anode TX finals ought to be delicious looking. Hot thoriated tungsten, and the anode itself glowing softly red-orange....sacri-licious.
I have the frame grid pentodes running as the active loads in my linestage. They're in a fairly sensitive spot, and there is no microphonics from them. From the old pair of 12B4's a bit, but none from the valves used in the load/CCS circuit.