Hallo, I used to own a pair of these nice Saba 70K
deluxe 4 way speakers back in the late 70´s
I sold my Rogers speakers, because the Sabas really s(w)ing,
you wont believe it untill you have the rare chance to listening to a pair of nice old SABA Speakers. Sadly my wife wanted a pair of electrostatic "flat" speakers so I bought a set of Quad ESL..
Funny I still miss the very good bass response of the SABA 70K..
Saba is highly underrated and undervalued (to my mind...)
Has anybody here some more experiences with German made SABA or telefunken / DUAL vintage stuff?
Their speakers are really nice and not too big.
I mean these speakers, sorry I dont have an own picture:http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=017&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBI%3AIT&viewitem=&item=270117365605&rd=1&rd=1
Best regards