Hi AK; For the benefit of the readers, exactly what is it you mean by "Nuetral", ie, what is your reference to distinguish between neutral and non-neutral? I am writing up the Stoetkit review and would like to get a handle on how some of these terms are percieved by others. How do THD distortion figures equate to a particular tonal quality and how does that tonal quality influence the concept of "neutral" sound. Since most recordings made in a studio have some kind of processing installed, are they neccessarily nuetral? SS amps by definition require huge amounts of negative feedback which we know compromises the source signal by introducing phase anomalie's, is that still neutral? Could these effects derive from impedance mis-matches rather than circuit design? Thanks,J.R.(I think these issues are paramount to maintaining some consistancy as a reviewer, thats why I try to understand integral meaning as percieved by individuals.)