Well I made it back to my buddies Acoustat 0ne plus 0nes. I wanted to undo the Izzy Wizzy cap mod in order to compare it to the effect of a lower value load resistor. For the present my buddie is so happy with the Izzy Wizzy cap mod he would not let me remove it. So I paralleled a second 500 M ohm resistor to the factory 500 ohm load resistor to chop the resistance value in half to 250 M ohms. The result was much the same again as found with the Izzy Wizzy mod. This was a nice improvement in detail resolution and overall control. I think that I_Forgot was right about this from the start. I also think that 10 M ohms is all that is needed for saftey sake as well as to keep the panel operating in constant charge mode. While a lower value load resistor might just result in some small loss in overall output as a result of leaky dielectric in older Acoustat panels I do not think anyone hearing the improvements would not care to trade a little level for the benefits this simple mod will yield. Thanks to I_Forgot for his insite and willingness to share. Best regards Moray James.