I have built an open baffle focussed line array. The result are quite nice, but there is still some work to be done. They use 8 8inch fullrange speakers I collected from an ancient German Cinema. They have the same cone as the Siemens Ruf22a speakers, but a different magnet system.
Doe the moment I am using them as a fullrange speaker, but I am planning on using 7 Neo7pdr planar speakers with them (I bought these already 6 months ago, but still haven't had time to attach them to my speakers...)
I am also planning on building a pair of open baffle subwoofers to support the low end.
What is your opinion on open baffle line arrays ?
And your opinoim on focussed line array ?
To five you an idea of this kind of speakers, please go and surf to the following link :
I have pictures of my speakers also, so If anyone is interested, just drop me an email and I will send them to you.
Best Regards,