Is a 3-way line array practical? In particular, I'm thinking about an array of 10" woofers, 4" mids, and PT2 planar tweeters. I'm asking because I'd like to get a very solid 40hz from the woofers with roughly the same sensitivities of the mids and tweeters. Everything would be on one baffle and the same principles applied to the woofers - spaced as closely as possible to the mids and to each other. I'd be using an active 4th order XO to handle the crossovers to keep the overlap to a minimum.Is there insurmountable combing problems with the third array or is it that no one has just never bothered to do it? I wouldn't mind doing it just for the experience, but if there's something I don't know (HIGHLY likely:-), could someone clue me in? Jim? Bill?
Many thanks,