Bill,Good catch on the Stryke planar part number--it is the SA-RTW2. I'm not familiar with their dome tweeter so all I can not add much to how it might work.
I think that 8 Pt2's per side would be nice and you can work the crossover issues in the 2000-2300 Hz area. The Rt2 has a peak in this area and wants to roll-off below 2000 Hz. So a 4th order acoustic would be ideal plus it should reduce the small peak a bit on the low end. My data on the Silver Flute YAG20's is that they tail off about 5 dB between 2000 and 20,000 Hz. They do have a few dips along the way but all excursions are within that 5 dB window. Plus or minus 2.5 dB over that range isn't too bad plus you can equalize some of that rolloff within the crossover network. Now a true ribbon tweeter will do better but would cost 5 times a Pt2. The Pt2's aren't the ultimate but good enough to function well in a line array.
You really need to read the white paper before you get too far along on your array.