The Silver Iris drivers use a stamped frame driver. Using a pair of stamped frame drivers, Linkwitz measured some resonances in the midrange band caused by the stamped frame. It is better to use cast frame drivers OR mount the stamped frame drivers by the magnet.There is no free lunch when it comes to frequency response. If you try to reproduce the lower frequencies with a driver that you are asking to also reproduce the midrange frequencies with, you will muddy up the midrange (it is doppler distortion which is a function of physics). The problem is worse using a high Q driver because of its weaker magnet. Thus, it is much better to keep the lower frequencies (below 100 hz) out of the midrange driver and biamp to keep those frequencies out of the amp as well.
Linkwitz tried many drivers and concluded that OB sound is best with drivers with a Q of 0.4 to 0.5. It is a function of damping (even though that Linkwitz used SS amps, not tube amps). I am sure that the Silver Iris drivers sound good, but if your goal is only good sound, then you're done (and you may not care about the midrange distortion, which is fine too). But if you are after great sound, then you really need to be looking elsewhere.