Looks like the Hester-Daniels Estate Audio-Fest to me..........*********************************************************************
Colin, left, opens with a joke, Tim and Ron don't get it:
ColinHester, Zincman and guess who?
Colin has multiple audio rigs but the kids have to go without shoes; you should have seen the poor, starving little Dickens tear into the potato chips! "Please sir, may I have another?"
Here we have the VOTT's, Colins own built Guinivere pre-amp and Para-S.E.X. amps, Cayin and Almorro integrateds and a really neat Shang Li (?) CD player with a little universe on exhibit in it's front window
Colin and his wife, the lovely and talented Anne- I can get you a deal on copper- Marie were the kind of people you become friends with in an afternoon.
The A-7's really sounded great with whichever amps were used but we were having such a good time talking and playing with the Four Little Hesters we didn't listen all that critically.
A great day for Ron and I. Thanks Colin.