HI Everyone,
this is a total thought post, since i have never even heard a lowther driver.
It seems from the frequency curves, that they have major jumps in SPL that need to be tamed. The main one seems to be 6-12 Khz (the lowther shout (700 hz -2 Khz seems to be now tamed with the new drivers). Has anyone tried a band stop filter in this region with a lowther driver?
The idea is as follows: Have two parallel connections a & b from the amplifier to the driver.
Connection a):
One band stop (notch) filter (6-12 KHZ blocked) --- One BSC filter to augment the bass
Connection b):
One band pass filter to allow 6-12 KHZ through with a resistor to lower SPL. Anyone tried that? There may be major flaws in this too...would be interested in your responses.