Someone like Bill Fitzmaurice could answer on this.
His 'snail' series of designs point the driver rearwards
and move the sound to right and left through a divided
horn. They look like the letter 'M' in McDonalds.
There's a fresh snail design in the current audioXpress
and on the cover. The snails are mostly designed to be
PA speakers for musicians, but the Snail 2 was a regular
stand up three-way system. The woofer on that design
wasn't exposed at all.
There's lots of horn designs but why I like the double
horn is that the lower frequencies get up to listening
height... or that's the way I imagine the physics to work.
The J-Lo is an over/under design for the Jordan 92s
from Nelson Pass and friends. But that design gives no
thought to having to move the huge crate that the J-Lo
construction is.
I also don't know if sound waves are affected by gravity.
There's been some speculation about that.