I'd go with their EX3 line, the most costly...and build a nice large horn for it. Look at their website for recommended designs. Of course, the drivers will probably set you back a couple of thousand, and the cabinet another 2-3 grand. IF you do buil done, and live near the OKlahoma area, please do let us know...i for one would love to drive to hear this. -akhilesh
Wayne Parham Messages: 18835 Registered: January 2001
Illuminati (33rd Degree)
Didn't Martin King do a lot of work on those? I'll bet he has an excellent design for them. Rarely do I see as much effort put into system design for single drivers as he does, so I think there's merit in his ideas. Plus, they sound good too.
A guy could have Bill Martinelli build King cabinets and have an extremely attractive and high-quality system. Another good option would be to go with Cain & Cain speakers. Terry Cain is another top-notch woodcraftsman, although I'm not sure if he supports Lowthers or not. I suspect he does though; Perhaps he'll chime in and clarify.
Both Cain and King are pretty well-known in these circles, and I think they both have well-deserved good reputations. Can't go wrong with either one in my opinion.
I have heard several Lowthers in the acousta cab and the Bicore (sp). I believe the best combo would be something like the EX-3 with the Big Fun horn.Even if i am not a fan of rear firing horns. The only prob that i heard with the acousta and the Bicore (sp again) is a rather weak bass response.The best cab for Lowthers IMHO would have to be fairly large and have a long sound path. With Lowthers it might be better to go with a front loaded horn from around 150-200 hz and have a fast sub for the lowers.If you dont want to go that route then a rear loaded horn ,just floor loaded from 150-200 hz and higher again,with a fast sub. ron
Sure , but its a very complicated build and is rather huge. I havent heard a lowther in a hedlund but some reports still report "soft" bass.I have built a hedlund in a box in which it was based on the hedlund principal but was using the Fostex Fe-166e and was very pleased with the performance. ron
I'm with Wayne on this one. I really respect the work Martin King has done and have built his Fostex FE208 Sigma project, with excellent results. One of these days . . . months . . . years . . . I'm going to get some Lowthers DX3 or DX4 drivers and put them in a MK cab. Indeed, if you go to Martin's site you'll see that his latest project is a "virtual" project using Fostex drivers in his Lowther cabinet. So you can build the cabinet now and use them with a pair of Fostexes while you save up for those Lowthers!
I have a friend that has a great deal of experience with different lowther drivers and he believes that the EX series and the DX4 are good for people with lots of cash. This was in response to my desire to upgrade my pm6a's. When I say he has experience I mean that I have seen a large variety of lowther drivers at his home, which makes it much easier to decide on the best drivers. He thought that with my mauhorns that a DX3 would be the last noticeable change. Other people may have other thoughts.