Actually, one of Leach's most often cited works is a horn model done with Spice.Regardless, I don't use Spice to model acoustics, only electronics. My Spice models are designed to give an indication of what the crossover is doing in the electrical realm only. It's a circuit modeler. Leach uses a virtual circuit to model acoustic properties but that's not what I'm doing.I use Spice to model the crossover, and that's it. My models do take account the transformation of mechanico-acoustic properties into the electrical circuit, but this is purely done to get a better model of the electrical circuit. It's not intended to model things like acoustic radiation pattern. The Spice models I made are used to give a better view of what's happening in the crossover circuit than simplified resistor-load models provide. But again, it's not an acoustic model nor was it ever intended to be one. If you took the time to look at what I've done before replying on it, you would see that.