I was under the delusion that once I got the P.Audio 316 horns with their 100 X 100 dispersion this would work out. I was wronger than wrong. The horns were so far above the seated position you got only off-axis poo-poo. I could EQ it flat at one location, but the slightest change in position brought new horrors to the ear.I put the JBL boxes on the floor, moved the big Altec boxes to the corner running them as mono subs with a line level 35Hz first-order filter. That will be a "movies only" thing.
With the horns at ear level, a Crown K on the 2225's and a Crown D-75A on the 2435's they at least play music now - maybe not great, but one whole hell of a lot better.
I've got to get back to working on the bathroom remodel - I think my wife has almost run out of patience with this project.