Thanks for pursuing this because I have had a suspicion for some time that there is a political component to the discussion that; while hidden, influences all of this debate. Simply put; if an individual is surrounded by a viewpoint they would tend to adopt that viewpoint until at some junction their ability to be subjectively neutral is co-opted. You participate in a group that favors SE amps and Efficient speakers thereby that is what you are exposed to and that is what you by definition decide is correct. The folks you hang with agree and validate your position. You are rewarded emotionally by participation and the positive feedback from the members of your group. You adopt a set of theories or perform a set of measurements geared to promote the tenets of your beliefs that serves to award the appearence of a technical legitimacy to your value system. Over time your hearing adjusts to satisfy the need to fulfill this philosophy and reap the emotional windfall of approval from those of the group. Now you are armed and ready to defend this structure; and as such will refuse to consider whatever is not in keeping with this belief system since that would invalidate the purpose of this creation. Your hearing is now captive to the point of view and subliminally you will promote your position regardless of or maybe your not even able to distinguish from another equally valid position. Hearing will defy measured response results and measured response results will disagree with hearing. Or you will take sides due to an absolute inability to process material not in step with the point of view. Science guys will insist they listen first only to confirm the measurements; already knowing in advance from long practice what methods will produce what results. Listeners without competent science backgrounds will deny the ability of measured results to adjust for independant organic analysis. Mediators will provide for quasi-technical explanations that seek to create false congruencies between the two camps. All-in all the music preferences will define which system works best with each venue; or type of recording and that will be the false proofs cited by each camp picking recordings that flatter that assemblage of equipment. Too much bandwidth but I really want to thank you for using reason to point out the discrepencies at the show; I really think your post is the crux of audio definitions and it is the first I have read to quantify and expose this whole argument. I hope you choose to follow this up. Thanks J.R.