thanks for the reply Wayne.... I always appreciate your input.If I understand correctly, the configuration of series wiring yeilds more db's... is this correct ? or does it just appear that way ?
I do realize like you stated that the total circut is amp dependant. My Harman Kardon amp is rated at 80wpc into 8ohms(5 channel amp, however I will not by using this amp.)When the load on this paticular amp is 4ohms... the amp is only rated at 105/110wpc(I don't remember exactly but it does NOT double)
I realize also that all amps can not handle well a 4 or 2ohm load. But, assuming the amp can... and actually prefers the low resistance, like the Decware Zen amp, do you get approximately 3 to 6db more from two pair of speakers by connecting them in parallel ? Depending on the amp... correct ?
thanks again