I'm not at all an expert on turntables.
I'm here for a rather strange quest ! I'd like to build a guitar amp, based on an old turntable amp stage.
I'm desperatly trying to figure out where this dismantled circuit (that I don't own) comes from (see pictures below) : all I know is that it is the audio preamp/amplifier stage from an old Philips turntable (1960's/1970's turntable), with 5 germanium transistors, probably (but not sure) mainly OC transistors (OC71?, OC70?, and AC128? among them).
It's very probably a push/pull circuit.
Not sure either, I *think* that this was a portable turntable, running on a 9V power supply. For this reason, this circuit would rather be an amp section (rather than a preamp), directly connected to a speaker. The images that you can see here are pictures of a guitar amp, made with this turntable amp section. The circuit is directly connected to the speaker of this amp.
You will find a link to a second picture of the PCB at the end of this message.
The pictures are poor, but is it possible to figure out what the model of this turntable is ?
Thanks a lot !