HI J.R.,
I agree with you that almost all subjetive evaluations are ....ahem....subjective, and dependent on many factors such as other equipment in the chain, personal preference etc. Of course, as many of us (and i guesss almost all of us on the SET forum) know, measurements don;t really correlate very well to euphonics, at least not within the range that most equipment operates in. My current music chain is: museatex cdd transport, museat bitstream dac (awesome even unmodded), zen amp, and either as pair of homemade speakers or a pair of klipschorns. Cables are transpraent plus throughout, except the digital coax between transport & dac si some other highend kimber type cable.
I love the zen amp...it si still my reference amp. I have actually had other people put in a home made2a3 amp that sounded good but maybe too rolled off for me. I may build a 300B later on, just for the difference in sound. I am just curious to see what other people think. I titally agrre with you & appreciate your telling me not to take others opinions too seriously. I have gotten over the ...gee others like it so it must be good and i gotta have it stage.
WHat kind of setup do you have...do you use the zen?
i listen to everything from classical to pop to jazz to blues to country to even rap sometimes.