I assume that you are referring to the ZV8 as far as building.
I wasn't aiming at a formal group build, but more toward
communicating while building with others doing the same
thing. I'm not anywhere knowlegeable enough to do anything more
than put together the design as shown, and then, maybe,
embroider around the edges. The group buy is underway with
plenty of the JFETs available:http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71633&perpage=10&pagenumber=1
The rest of the items are very much off the shelf, junkbox
to boutique. The only difficult thing would appear to be
heatsinking the less common package of the JFET.
Discussion of the JFET amp
This thing intrigues me because it looks like you could easily
choke load it (if you could find the high-current choke), or
use two modules in push-pull. Maybe even feed two modules with
a center-tap-primary transformer just like a PP tube amp. It
all seems approachable if you're willing to stand way back
when you power it up in the middle of your back yard.