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Oops - 4 Pi pro mistake... By: laoye on Mon, 21 October 2002 |
4 |
4852 |
Tue, 22 October 2002 02:46 By: JLM  |
Wayne: Refinements for Tower 2 Pi - Good or Bad? By: BobCat on Mon, 21 October 2002 |
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2401 |
Mon, 21 October 2002 10:52 By: Wayne Parham  |
Variation on a 2pi theme By: DRC on Sat, 19 October 2002 |
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6860 |
Sun, 20 October 2002 21:34 By: Wayne Parham  |
Eclipse TiPro 18" PICS!!! By: Adam on Thu, 17 October 2002 |
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7004 |
Sun, 20 October 2002 15:18 By: Adam  |
Wayne, why do you place your ports in the corner . . . |
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2518 |
Sun, 20 October 2002 13:25 By: Wayne Parham  |
How long would a 2-3/4" diameter port be for Studio 2pi? |
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6463 |
Sun, 20 October 2002 13:21 By: Wayne Parham  |
Building 2pi Towers - COMPLETE! ( 1 2) By: Fresno on Thu, 17 October 2002 |
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10290 |
Sun, 20 October 2002 07:20 By: Fresno  |
Horns Length, Frequency Wave Lengths, And, All That Good Stuff |
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7866 |
Sat, 19 October 2002 20:33 By: Anonymous  |
Any thoght on this tweeter? |
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3004 |
Sat, 19 October 2002 15:23 By: mollecon  |
Wayne: 2 Pi or 2 Pi Tower...Which is better?? By: Bob on Fri, 18 October 2002 |
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3149 |
Sat, 19 October 2002 11:33 By: rickcr42  |
2pi plans By: Brent W on Fri, 18 October 2002 |
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2926 |
Sat, 19 October 2002 10:32 By: Brent W  |
updated pics on site (crossovers too) By: ToFo on Wed, 16 October 2002 |
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4938 |
Sat, 19 October 2002 08:32 By: ToFo  |
A Question About Reflex Ports |
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5346 |
Fri, 18 October 2002 19:47 By: Art J.  |
Over the Falls! By: DRC on Fri, 18 October 2002 |
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2992 |
Fri, 18 October 2002 11:25 By: DRC  |
4Pi Theatre vs 4Pi Pro |
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2839 |
Thu, 17 October 2002 22:43 By: Wayne Parham  |
Hey Till |
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2159 |
Thu, 17 October 2002 16:11 By: BillEpstein  |
can anyone tell me the magic of Pi 2 Tower By: cloud on Thu, 17 October 2002 |
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5816 |
Thu, 17 October 2002 04:53 By: cloud  |
One Pi By: BrianG on Wed, 16 October 2002 |
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2343 |
Wed, 16 October 2002 20:41 By: Wayne Parham  |
Still more Theater 4 tweaking... By: Garland on Wed, 16 October 2002 |
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3363 |
Wed, 16 October 2002 12:34 By: Neo  |
damping a H290 Horn By: cloud on Wed, 16 October 2002 |
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2980 |
Wed, 16 October 2002 11:28 By: Wayne Parham  |
where do they store all the Pi speaker Photos? By: cloud on Wed, 16 October 2002 |
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3800 |
Wed, 16 October 2002 10:17 By: Garland  |
Building 2pi Towers - Part 3 (rounding the clubhouse turn) By: Fresno on Wed, 16 October 2002 |
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3032 |
Wed, 16 October 2002 07:04 By: Fresno  |
Question for Wayne or others...re: hi freq. wood horns. By: Garland on Tue, 15 October 2002 |
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3157 |
Tue, 15 October 2002 18:21 By: bmar  |
Gauss speakers By: djstan on Mon, 14 October 2002 |
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2510 |
Mon, 14 October 2002 17:57 By: Jeff Robinson  |
sound damping materials By: Anonymous on Mon, 14 October 2002 |
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2904 |
Mon, 14 October 2002 13:38 By: bmar  |