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Your search for Altec found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 951-960 of 972, with best matches first:

951. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: part out Valencias & build NorthCreek or Pi? or keep...
Greets! Thanks, nice to know my memory's not completely shot! Yeah, I didn't have a clue what SAF/WAF/SO/whatever alluded to...
952. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - So that's enough of that (for now anyway)... - wunhuanglo, April...
I've been OB obsessed lately, but it’s kind of like when you’re a kid, you see some girl across the bar and the next thing...
953. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Series and Shunt Resistance - spkrman57, March 27, 2005 at...
I would use the 14 ohm shunt with a 30 ohm series(paralleled with .33 ufd) like the 4 pi crossover. By the way, I am getting...
954. General Forum - We should call "Craftsman" the "Maytag Forum" - Bill...
There's cobwebs over there. C'mon! Somebody has to be building something? Or is it all on the Group Build Forum? Craftsman...
955. VintageAudio Forum - 30's JB Lansing 212 featured... - GuitarTrekr, January 23, 2009 at 21:38:40
Many years ago I was given one of the earliest Rickenbacker amplifiers I nicknamed the "Big Black Box" because it is very...
956. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - What GedLee does: - Earl Geddes, January 15, 2005 at 16:17:07
Well, all of the above, except maybe components, I'm not really into that. The speakers that I designed came about as my...
957. VintageAudio Forum - Re: Initial Listening Impressions of Yamaha ca-1010 - manualblock,...
Thanks AK; In the third paragraph you state that SET's cause a reaction with the speakers but If you re-read the post I wrote...
958. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - These are magnificent, Altec that is..... - colinhester, January...
Got these from Zincman. What a score! They are not in their final resting place, but will be by the time the next...
959. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Fun with Vintage Speakers - SteveBrown, May 16, 2006 at 20:57:04
Thought others might find this interesting. I spent the evening playing with some vintage Electro Voice SP-12's that I have,...
960. General Forum - Porting the A7 - wunhuanglo, May 28, 2005 at 13:07:07
Hi Colin A couple of years ago I built (and subsequently did everything I could think of to) a pair of 825 cabinets. Realize...

Documents 951-960 of 972 displayed.

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