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Your search for Altec found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 741-750 of 972, with best matches first:

741. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Very interesting article/experiments - Wayne Parham, November 26, 2004 at...
I wrote to Sam just the other day and we exchanged a few E-Mails. I'll have to write to him again and point out that you were...
742. Dungeon Forum - you just don't get it.... - PakProtector, September 15, 2005 at 21:52:30
You own one source of the design. You do not own *THE* design. You have rearranged the timeline a little bit tosuit your own...
743. PiSpeakers Forum - Newton's Third Law of Audio - Bill Epstein, March 18, 2006 at 06:34:26
Been completing my to-do list; finished the small 1.45 cu ft speakers with the P.E. horn tweeter yesterday and was relaxing...
744. PiSpeakers Forum - best for SET's - sailor, September 07, 2005 at 06:47:07
Hi Wayne, I have heard a horn system using an Edgarhorn for mids and knew immediately I wanted that sound. I have e-mailed...
745. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Going deep - Bill Epstein, August 19, 2005 at 04:01:29
One 2226 per side gives me great quality bass. You should hear string bass on the 45 amps! What I'm after is 8 ohms with 2...
746. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Yes, I'd love to hear some - Ian, May 30, 2005 at 00:15:22
When I was at the Mastering Lab in Hollywood I heard Doug Sax's horns, which are either 3 or 4 way, and they were spectacular....
747. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Yes, I'd love to hear some - Ian, May 30, 2005 at 00:15:22
When I was at the Mastering Lab in Hollywood I heard Doug Sax's horns, which are either 3 or 4 way, and they were spectacular....
748. PiSpeakers Forum - My beloved Pi 7's for sale along with VOTT's - Brian Jefferys, January 26,...
First let me say "Hi Wayne". Long time no talk. The WAF has won the battle. Wayne, I don't know if you still have pictures of...
749. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: Back from the Vet and de-Wormed - Bill Martinelli, August 31, 2003 at...
Re: Back from the Vet and de-Wormed Hi Bill, Nice to see your back online! We got bombarded with that crap at work but the...
750. Pi Speaker Forum - Phase angles, crossovers and baffle spacing - Wayne Parham, July 10, 2001 at...
Phase angles, crossovers and baffle spacing Now would be a great time to revisit some of the issues surrounding crossovers and...

Documents 741-750 of 972 displayed.

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