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Your search for Altec found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 561-570 of 972, with best matches first:

561. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: Could this ´window' be specified, please? - Tom Brennan, August 03, 2002...
Re: Could this ´window' be specified, please? Pk---This all goes back to the famous "double-tap" incident at MGM in the 1930s....
562. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: don't need to sim it - billfort, January 28, 2003 at 10:50:19
Re: don't need to sim it Funny Sam - my problem is the polar opposite of yours. I have access to a sheet metal fabricating shop...
563. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Review: 4Pi Pros, or... Walnut Pi - Norbert, September 12, 2008 at...
Great work Bill! I'm a little lost with your comment below. Can you post a pic or explain a little bit more about? " I decided...
564. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: Sallen-Key filters and crossovers - Wayne Parham, August 20, 2002 at...
Re: Sallen-Key filters and crossovers So your cabinet will be about 9 cubic feet and have a 6" x 10.5" port that's 14" long. Is...
565. Pi Speaker Forum - 4 Pi - Pro with 3677 cab and horn with 2226J's - spkrman57, September 25,...
4 Pi - Pro with 3677 cab and horn with 2226J's Till E. I have done same project. Did you use 1.4 mh coild for 2226J?? I had...
566. Pi Speaker Forum - Duplicate post from high eff.; idea for get-together - mikebake, December 12,...
Duplicate post from high eff.; idea for get-together Okay, it's just something to throw out there for future reference, but if...
567. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: High output compression drivers - Wayne Parham, December 13, 2002 at...
Re: High output compression drivers My favorite compression drivers are the JBL 2426 and the Eminence PSD2002. The TAD 2001 is...
568. Pi Speaker Forum - back to back BW filters - Sam P., January 17, 2003 at 07:46:28
back to back BW filters for 16 ohms drivers at 800Hz. would take 4.5mH coils and 8.8uF caps. At 1600Hz. use 2.25mH/4.39uF...
569. Pi Speaker Forum - yes, they plug into sockets - Sam P., September 06, 2002 at 06:56:31
yes, they plug into sockets but not gold ones. I was torn between "tweak first" and wanting to hear Phil's unit "as-designed"....
570. Pi Speaker Forum - figured I would sand - Sam P., October 02, 2002 at 06:57:35
figured I would sand the front enough to remove the last traces of molding marks, and do the same to the horn interior. I'd...

Documents 561-570 of 972 displayed.

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