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Your search for Altec found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 481-490 of 972, with best matches first:

481. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Still looking for horns? - colinhester, January 10, 2007 at...
I know someone who might have a pair of Altec 811b horns. I looked up your IP. You're in the Cleveland area, right?......C
482. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Altec - Bill Fitzmaurice, September 04, 2004 at 17:13:00
That's not unusual, since Jim Lansing was the head designer of both outfits, first at Altec, which eventually became called...
483. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Delta Sound Folded Horn PA cabs - bill Morris, April 16, 2006...
Colin: I have some Altec 421a's and some JBL D140's kicking around to use...There was nothing special about the Delta Sound...
484. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Horns - Russellc, June 02, 2005 at 19:18:11
Said it before and I'll say it again, i have both pairs of woofers, ( 5158g and 416 8c and while both sound fabulous, I prefer...
485. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - im a crossover dunce - gazzamongo, June 15, 2004 at 13:28:04
help. what crossover orders can be mixed/used together and what are the subjective outcomes i want to use 500hz 1st order...
486. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Ps 2002 vs BMS 4550 - russellc, July 18, 2007 at 08:33:11
Anyone comparwed these two drivers? I am hearing lots of good things about BMS, with people replacing JBL and Altec drivers...
487. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Anyone Familiar with the Onken Cabinet Alignment? - GM,...
Greets! Without knowing either the damping factor or output impedance of the amp, I can use a 'worst case scenario' of 4 ohms...
488. General Forum - WSOTT meeting today with a new member - Bill Epstein, January 19, 2008 at...
Ron, Pete and FNG Greg came over my place today for the debut of the long-suffering Altec Great Plains 704 co-ax project. It's...
489. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Say GM what do you think about Altec 288 drivers? -...
Well Ron; thats what I always thought. I have heard there might be some exceptions to that rule; so thats why I asked. Why...
490. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Horns - GM, June 03, 2005 at 19:29:37
Greets! It's like most things, you 'rob Peter to pay Paul', so between these two it's efficiency Vs BW gain. The 515 has a weak...

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