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Your search for Altec found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 361-370 of 972, with best matches first:

361. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: crossover - Adrian Mack, March 02, 2004 at 04:39:41
G'day Joel Also, if I remember correctly, the Pi crossover uses 12 dB low pass and 18 dB high pass, while the Marchand (and...
362. Pi Speaker Forum - Re:For Garland and all Pi'sters - BillEpstein, December 08, 2003 at 15:06:38
Re:For Garland and all Pi'sters I think all the narrow gauge wire has a similar sound: alive with detail, slightly tilted up...
363. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: more altec pi issues - Tightwad, July 16, 2004 at 13:46:54
I like bolting the drivers to the front baffle. Just a regular metal washer between the nut and the wood. For attaching the...
364. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: the problem is tougher than I thought!! - GM, July 13, 2004 at 01:28:44
on my altec-pi's, I was gonna jigsaw out a hole and surface mount my 416's. however, the back of the flange has a ton of...
365. PiSpeakers Forum - more altec pi issues - EZ_Angus, July 16, 2004 at 10:06:59
Ok, I got my circular mini-baffles cut and the hole cut in my front cab panel. now I need to bolt the driver to the baffle and...
366. PiSpeakers Forum - You traded your truck?!!......... - Wayne Parham, April 05, 2005 at 03:43:57
That's cool, Bill! I've been talking to Iconic/Great Plains Audio about Altec drivers. Now that they are making new production...
367. PiSpeakers Forum - You traded your truck?!!......... - Wayne Parham, April 05, 2005 at 03:43:57
That's cool, Bill! I've been talking to Iconic/Great Plains Audio about Altec drivers. Now that they are making new production...
368. Pi Speaker Forum - Re: Thanks for nothing, Bill Gates - BillEpstein, September 01, 2003 at...
Re: Thanks for nothing, Bill Gates I downloaded every XP "Critical Update" whenever they were available. I visited the update...
369. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Listening results with Theater 4 variation - Wayne Parham, October 07,...
The Theater Series four π speaker is large, but the Delta 15 woofer could stand to be in a box up to three times as large. The...
370. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: But he would not sell me "Muse", the cat!!! - Wayne Parham,...
JBL 2426's have falling response, almost a straight diagonal line. The good news is that means breakup modes are well damped;...

Documents 361-370 of 972 displayed.

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