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Your search for wish* found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 621-630 of 897, with best matches first:

621. Turntable Forum - Re: Systemdek 2 bearing - audio origami, March 02, 2005 at 11:48:41
hi guys i do a slightly thicker oil just for turntables with worn bearings ...i also machine new teflon or ptfe or even brass...
622. ArraySpeakers Forum - Re: Linus 2 vs Linus 3 - Jim Griffin, April 10, 2006 at 15:33:55
Fred, Thanks for the reply. I agree with your assessment. The Linus 3 or the Xt-8 are keepers. The Day Tek might be a...
623. MoviesAndMusic Forum - Re: Live music - destiny, November 02, 2006 at 13:43:48
It's been a very long time since I've seen anyone in concert. I'm not surprised that Clint Black puts on a great show, though....
624. General Forum - Re: Happy New Years! Isn't it tomorrow? - Bill Epstein, January 01, 2008 at...
Worked yesterday and today. Verry busy both days. Doesn't anyone watch football anymore? Have tomorrow off so I may indulge a...
625. Tubes Forum - Re: Stoetkit Jr. - Shane, March 07, 2006 at 15:27:52
I have heard toe Stoetkit Jr. on Wayne's Two Towers and I must say that it sounds very nice and goes plenty loud and deep on...
626. General Forum - Congrats, Dave. Wishing you both the very best!
- wunhuanglo, October 01, 2004 at 11:13:41 nt
627. SET Forum - that's a good one... - Tnuctipun, February 14, 2005 at 20:19:01
I got pretty good with my first pair of monoblocks. PP KT90's and big L-C PS. Dynaco A441 outputs rigged for CFB. Ran through a...
628. General Forum - A Few LSAF Photos - cryoparts, May 06, 2007 at 16:21:43
I missed exhibiting this year, but I was able to sneak over for an hour or so on Sunday afternoon and snap a few pics. Sorry to...
629. HighEfficiencySpeakers Forum - Re: Improve Bass - seeker, December 26, 2004 at 10:22:01
I received an email from Quicksilver that said the LaScala speaker was used to the voice the Horn Mono amps. I've had these...
630. General Forum - Re: Hi Kids - Damir, September 04, 2005 at 13:31:40
We have the similar (war) situation here, a few years ago - hundreds of thousands of refugees, without homes, property,...

Documents 621-630 of 897 displayed.

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