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Your search for seven π, seven pi, 7 pi found the following documents (of 61488 documents searched):
Displaying documents 401-410 of 551, with best matches first:

401. PiSpeakers Forum - Front edge trim on midhorn - Wayne Parham, March 02, 2009 at 22:27:43
Oh, I see, well there you go! That's pretty much how mine are done too, with a 1" trim that covers the entire front. It's there...
402. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: seven π setup - Zene, February 17, 2009 at 21:47:53
Wayne, no problem I have plenty of room, up to 16' from speaker wall to listening position and still 12' behind that to rear...
403. PiSpeakers Forum - 7pi mid-horn - j.luis cruz ., November 25, 2006 at 17:09:10
Hy Wayne . whata measurements have the 7pi mid-horn section so that use a jbl 2206 . could send me the plans for the seven pi...
404. PiSpeakers Forum - seven Pi - kartsmart, June 06, 2005 at 09:42:21
Is there any cabinet prints on how to build the seven Pi's using the tad 1602's/ any help would be very usfull thanks KARTSMART...
405. PiSpeakers Forum - seven Pi - kartsmart, June 06, 2005 at 09:42:21
Is there any cabinet prints on how to build the seven Pi's using the tad 1602's/ any help would be very usfull thanks KARTSMART...
406. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: LaScala X-over ??? - Wayne Parham, May 06, 2009 at 18:34:53
 Sorry, I don't do anything with Klipsch speakers. They're cool and all, but my stuff is different enough that you can't...
407. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: seven π setup - Zene, February 17, 2009 at 18:02:30
Wayne, tried that and I'm getting much better results about 5' behind focal point (orientation 45 deg). With the normal, just...
408. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: Professional series seven π and seven π-18 - Zene, October 23, 2006 at...
That's what I needed. You dood it again. Zene
409. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: More 7 Pi base questions - Wayne Parham, April 03, 2005 at 04:20:17
It only matters if the edge created by baffle cutout is in proportion to wavelength. No difference positive or negative if not....
410. PiSpeakers Forum - Re: More 7 Pi base questions - Wayne Parham, April 03, 2005 at 04:20:17
It only matters if the edge created by baffle cutout is in proportion to wavelength. No difference positive or negative if not....

Documents 401-410 of 551 displayed.

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